
Showing posts from February, 2018

Process - Body Cavities

I had anticipated that the cavities would be a difficult part of this build, but it turned out to be a relatively uneventful activity.  By using good, reliable plans and measuring frequently, I marked the cavity locations.  I bought a few Forstner bits and compared the radius of each corner to the plan, choosing the correct sized bit (twice the radius) to drill each corner to proper depth.  Then with the plywood template, dropped the router down into the wood on an angle to depth, and finished routing out each cavity.

Process - The Body

This was the largest element of the whole project, and the one which would require the most care and thought; screw any of this up and I may be starting over. Having chosen Ash, I had to contend with how dense and heavy this hardwood is.  It proved difficult to drill through and cut.  Proper tools and fresh implements do make a difference, however, and there are generally several ways around every problem.  I had to decide whether I was making an investment in new power tools or making do with what I had on hand.